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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sony PS3 Hacked

Hacked PlayStation 3 units have been prevalent and a big concern for Sony Computer Entertainment. Hackers who have tried to crack the machine have met many difficulties in getting through the block that allows users to sign in the PlayStation Network with a “jailbroken” console in the years following the system’s release. 
Recently,  LV0 keys had reportedly been released online by hackers, enabling hacked units to access PSN content with the assistance of a PC. It’s a legitimate concern that Sony has addressed via their official website, issuing a consumer alert the addresses PlayStation Network and Sony Entertainment Network Services users.
Sony’s Notice Statement from the US Playstation website is as follows:
“Dear valued PlayStation 3 customers,
Unauthorized software for the PlayStation 3 system was recently released by hackers. Use of such software violates the terms of the “System Software License Agreement for the Playstation 3 System” and the “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlaStation Network/ Sony Entertainment Network and its Community Code of Conduct provisions.
Violation of the System software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 system invalidates the consumer’s right to access that system. Consumers running unauthorized or pirated software may have their access to the PlayStation Network and access to Sony Entertainment Network services through PlayStation 3 system terminated permanently.
To avoid permanent termination, consumers must immediately cease using and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems.
In order to help provide a safe, fair, online environment, consumers who we belive violate “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlayStation Network/ Sony Entertainment network or the applicable laws or regulations of their country or region risk having access to the PlayStation Network and access to Sony Entertainment Network services terminated permanently.”

Friday, November 23, 2012

Official website of the President of Sri Lanka Got hacked

Hackers Group called "Broken-Security" have breached the official website of the President of Sri Lanka.
Blind SQL Injection was used for the site. They have posted the vulnerability on pastebin. 

    < Owned BY Broken-Security >
    # Host IP: #
    # Web Server: Apache      #
    # DB Server: MySQL >=5    #
    Target: http://www.president.gov.lk/photoAlbumViewThumbs.php?titleId=20110421111233'
    *Current DB: presiden_db
    *Tables Name:                Columns
    users ------->  timestamp email userlevel userid password username
    pre_users ------->  userLevel password userName userID
        username              password                             email                    userlevel
        useronly    b420243########b8a1098ee########        ######@######.com               1
         admin      8a8644##########################        ########@######.com               9
          userName                         password                      UserLevel
           #######                            ######                          1

--> -->

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Israeli officials personal information leakd by Anonymous

Anonymous wrote  “It has come to our attention that the Israeli government has ignored repeated warnings about the abuse of human rights, shutting down the internet in Israel and mistreating its own citizens and those of its neighboring countries," and also "Israeli Gov. this is/will turn into a cyberwar."

The Anonymous group has hacked over 700 hundred Israeli websites, including the Bank of Jerusalem, the Israeli Defence Ministry, the IDF blog, the President's official website and many others. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Zero-Day vulnerability for Windows 8

Security specialist VUPEN claims to have developed a zero-day exploit for Microsoft’s latest Windows 8 operating system, and is willing to sell the code to the highest bidder. Based in France, VUPEN makes its money by developing zero-day exploit code which attacks systems through vulnerabilities not yet publicly known.

Zero-day exploits are the best type of exploit  for crackers because nobody knows about the exploit therefore there is no protection from it. As the exploit is used in the wild, it gradually comes to peoples’ attention and will eventually be patched – but there is a gap, sometimes days, sometimes years, between a zero-day exploit being developed and the company responsible working to patch for the flaw. Microsoft claims they have improved the security within the operating system. In particular, Internet Explorer 10 has been hardened in a variety of ways to close off what is a common attack surface on desktop and laptop machines.

VUPEN claims that Microsoft have missed something along the way by combining various existing zero-day attacks from its database, the company claims to have developed code to – in the words of the company’s chief executive officer Chauoki Bekrar – ‘pwn all new Win8/IE10 exploit mitigations’ and allow remote code to be executed on a machine.
The news could be disastrous for Microsoft, which declared that it had sold over four million copies of Windows 8 in the three days following its launch last week. If those systems are now vulnerable to attack, the company needs to get working on a fix and fast however VUPEN isn’t going to help.

Adobe servers got hacked

An Egyptian Hacker named ViruS_HimA hacked into Adobe servers and leaked private data. The hacker claims to have violated Adobe servers gaining full access and dumping the entire database with more of 150,000 emails and hashed passwords of Adobe employees and customers/partner of the firm such as US Military, USAF, Google, Nasa DHL and many other companies.
The leaked file contains a list of for each account the following information:
  • Firstname
  • Lastname
  • Title
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Company
  • Username
  • Password hash
The hacker declare that his intent was far from to destroy the business of the company, that's why he posted data leaked related only to Adobe, and belonging the domains "*.mil" and ".gov".
Which is the motivation of the attack?
The attack hasn't a politic motivation, ViruS_HimA desire to demonstrate that despite Adobe is one of the most important company in IT landscape it leaks of a proper security defense. For the same reason the hacker announced that next target will be Yahoo.
The hacker specifically addresses the latency in the response to a vulnerability of the company, the patch management is too long, from the signal of a vulnerability to its fix may take many months.
"When someone report vulnerability to them, It take 5-7 days for the notification that they've received your report!! It even takes 3-4 months to patch the vulnerabilities! Such big companies should really respond very fast and fix the security issues as fast as they can.
"Don't be like Microsoft,Yahoo security teams!! but be like Google security team" Qouted from Hima.
I don't know exactly the response time of Adobe firm but I agree with the hackers, response time too long has already caused many security problem in the past, let's remind for example what is happened with Oracle Java vulnerabilities fixed on Mac systems months after the discovery.
Response time and incident response procedure are crucial factors for the management of vulnerabilities and restore of compromised systems.
The evidence of the attack
The hacker has posted the image of the .CSV file contains the data informing the readers that there wasn’t EXIF (EXchangeable Image File data)  to trace him: http://i47.tinypic.com/2s6pjfa.jpg
The hacker also posted the leaked data at the following URL
·         http://www.gulfup.com/?9QneTn
Meanwhile the official communication has been posted on PasteBin ( http://pastebin.com/Bf9uv4hR ). We await an official statement from Adobe on the event.

Update : Adobe is now aware about the issue and investigating the hack. 'The Hacker News' talk more with the hacker to know that , How he scatully get this dump and where was vulnerability.

We came to know that, Hacker is able to upload the php shell on the Adobe website (may be using a LFI) and then he look for database configuration file to get credentials. After that hacker get into the database server and export the complete database.

Update: In a blog post, Adobe confirm that their "Adobe Connect conferencing service" forum http://connectusers.com/ is compromised and this database actually belongs to their forum only. Also Adobe confirm that "not appear that any other Adobe services effected"

For Security reasons Adobe team put http://connectusers.com/ under maintenance mode and fixing the issue. "We are in the process of resetting the passwords of impacted Connectusers.com forum members and will reach out to those members with instructions on how to set up new passwords once the forum services are restored."

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hacking Skype

It looks like Skype has another big hole in their security. According to reports, a security hole makes Skype accounts vulnerable to hijacking. The security hole allows unauthorized users with knowledge of your Skype-connected email address to change the password on your Skype account, thus gaining control of it.

The hijack is triggered by signing up for a new Skype account using the email address of another registered user. No access to the victim's inbox is required one just simply needs to know the address. Creating an account this way generates a warning that the email address is already associated with another user, but crucially the voice-chat website does not prevent the opening of the new account.

Then hacker just have to ask for a password reset token , which Skype app will send automatically to your email, this allows a third party to redeem it and claim ownership of your original username and thus account. The issue was reportedly documented on Russian forums months ago, and appears to have been easy to exploit.
Skype appears to have pulled its password reset page, stopping this flaw in its tracks and said, "We have had reports of a new security vulnerability issue. As a precautionary step we have temporarily disabled password reset as we continue to investigate the issue further. We apologize for the inconvenience but user experience and safety is our first priority"
For quick security of your account, users should change associated e-mail address of your Skype account.

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